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Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:02 am
by Ragnarok

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:16 am
by TheMadDJ
[iX]AnnaBeaver wrote:
TheMadDJ wrote:
KnaveSkye wrote:and some people never change
Even after a ban and over ten warnings

Wait a sec. :-k I don't want anyone to post an actual name in this thread...:)
Should be. The whole thread's about him.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:00 am
by SirBeast
First off - CONGRATS Anna! I for one am glad to have you on board as an admin, especially with your previous admin experience, and my experience playing with you in-game. You're DEFINITELY one of those that I would miss if I were to ever stop playing here, and always make my time in-game with you a better experience.
[iX]AnnaBeaver wrote:I personally have never had a problem with border either in game or on the forums, but that is a specific personal experience. I didn't place a vote in this poll, because this issue shouldn't be any type of "Popularity" vote. People may vote for no other reason than the fact that they don't like the guy, and I'd rather just stick to the issue.
You're one of the few, obviously, and should be oddly thankful for such.
[iX]AnnaBeaver wrote:If in fact border has been harassing any other board members, he should at the very least, have been given a temporary ban from the forum and all game/voice servers. Harassing is unacceptable.

However, it's my opinion that people should have the opportunity to correct any bad behavior or actions. After being told specifically what rules or guidlines they have violated, and given an "un-ban" date, if he came back and continued with violating the same rules, then he should be permanently banned.
Agreed wholeheartedly. Exactly how many times in the past he has been banned or how many opportunities he has had to correct his behavior, I don't know. I only know how many infractions against me personally he has comitted. But obviously I am not the only one he has comitted such behavior against.
[iX]AnnaBeaver wrote:However, the other side of it is this.....If at any time you PM'd border with an inflamatory response or message....then you are partly responsible. I'll say this...and it can apply to everyone....not just you Beast. If someone sends you harassing PM's or posts harassing threads about you, you have two choices...

Option 1. Respond to the PM or thread. If you're able to, ask them nicely to please stop, because their statements are offensive, inappropriate, and against forum rules. Simply tell them that if it continues, you'll notify admins. Respond only once, if they reply with anything other than "OK", DO NOT reply back to them!!! Make a copy of the PM text of take a screen shot of the PM...and send it to an admin as evidence. Usually, if the persons statements or comments about or to you are that bad, a response will only invite more drama.

Option 2. Don't respond at all. Simply send a copy of the PM to an administrator, and let them handle it. That's what we're here for.
Again, agreed. The message I copied into one of my earlier posts informing Border "Don't private message me again, either. I don't like you and would rather have nothing to do with you. Consider this your only notice. Any further correspondence will be considered harassment and I will report it to Joey as such." Was the only correspondence I ever sent to him in PM - at least, it's the only one I have in my Sentbox since I joined the forum - and I don't delete those for this exact reason. I also did CC Paint that message as well. At least I know I followed the proper channels correctly in your opinion. However, as Zombie stated earlier, I would add to it that one should PM ALL admins.

[iX]AnnaBeaver wrote:I can only speak for myself, but when it comes to issues of this nature, I try to get them resolved ASAP so that continued drama is at an absolute minimum.

Since this is the forum, and not the game server, I'm only newly a moderator here I don't know if I have the ability to ban anyone from the site. But I will say this Beast, from now on...if you have a problem like this can come to me...and I'll pay attention to you. I'm not implying that the admins were ignoring you, and this isn't an excuse of anything....but sometimes people do get incredibly busy with their lives outside of gaming...and getting help has the possibility of being a lengthy process time wise. I think the sort of problem you had Beast is one of the reasons that I was added on as a moderator, so if something arises in the future for anyone, please feel free to PM me about it, and I will do whatever I can to help you.

But remember, actions taken against forum members and server players is going to be at the discretion of the administrator that is handling the issue. It may or may not be an action that you agree with...but discussing the issue with the administrator can help you to understand why an action was taken, or not taken regarding your issue.

Which reminds me....I need to talk to you Paintball about what my permissions are.
Thanks Anna, I appreciate it, and will be sure to take you up on it should the need ever arises again, which I truly hope it doesn't. I enjoy playing with most everyone too much to constantly have to deal with drama like this. When it comes to me, I am usually pretty thick-skinned unless someone goes out of their way to get my goat, such as was the case here. On top of it, when multiple other players complained to me repeatedly about Border, some1 I had issues with, then I felt it was time to finally take the general consensus to a public forum. Ruining the game for one person is one thing, but ruining it for the majority of my teammates - whom I would rather have try to survive/help me survive during the game instead of constantly having to deal with his attitude/actions - that's another thing entirely.

Anyhow, again, Thank You and Congrats on your new admin status. I'm sure you'll do a great jorb!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:25 am
by ZombieSlayer
Border is now permanently banned from the forums.

DO NOT reply to anyone that you think is border. PM me instead.

He is also on very thin ice on the server. If he starts shit take screen shots and pm them to me ASAP not censored 3 months later.


Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:46 pm
by Venger
You got it Zombie.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:30 pm
by Ortega
Wow. I agree with Anna and I'm not going to take any side as even though I have had a issue with Border and worked it out in the past. I have seen him go off on others. Anna is right though (hey girl) Zombie is right also. Paint is doing what he thinks because he doesn't want to deal with DRAMA. It doesn't matter what age people are. If you have a personility conflict with someone. Its never going to change. But I will say something on the fact of Paint's post back to beast. Your making yourself look no better and as for a admin. you comment is a naturally reaction. You were attacking Beast because he called you a hypocrite. But busy or not. You signed up for this job as forum owner. Do you owe it to anyone that your busy. No to be honest we all are. Busy is just on the terms of how you look at it. To some people. taking out the trash is busy. To others working 14 hours a day is busy. You created the server and monitor it. If you feel you don't have the time then have Anna or Zombie look into the matter at hand. Forward the messages to them. I know Zombie doesn't take to a popularity contest and doesn't mind if he pisses or hurts someone feelings if they are in the wrong. Anna will also look into it and give the advice that should happen. Never seen her mad but once and that was scary. What a great first post to come back too. Atleast ANNA is posting. HOLA! CHICA

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:00 pm
by BaronVonRotterdam