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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:32 pm
by KnaveSkye
So i was checking out my usual mmo sites and this is in closed beta but the keys seem to be abundant(got mine from fileplanet). Ive only had a short time to play it, but it is definately a bit better than alot of the ones ive tried. First plus is the WASD movement, not the click to move. 2nd is its adult rated, 18+ due to very bloody fights, gibs included(no nudity, but the Kruxena are scantily clad). I havnt had enough time to check out balance or higher lvl skills, but those of you who follow the hundreds of games like this, i would give this one a shot. ... quiem.aspx

Scroll down at your own discretion(seriously, if you play ut2004 this isnt any worse)


ImageImageImage :wave:

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:28 pm
by Nard
Hey knave, the game is cool, i just sorta started. But what i notice and mainstrain that 10 minutes into the game, we both get the blue screen of death. Any recommendations? Ive tried several times but this game keeos crashing both our comps.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:54 pm
by KnaveSkye
uhh, i had issues with my initial install, that lad to issues with patching...but once im in its smooth sailing(with exception of a game freezing memory leak from time to time) but its beta. Ummm, all i could say is check out the forums for solutions, i havnt had any issues yet. have to tried turning all the settings down? or a fresh install? .....hmmm

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:14 pm
by Nard
I checked the forums. There are over hundreds of people who are having this problem. And the funny thing about the BSoD (blue screen of death) is that its linked towards your computer assesories such as mouse, keyboard, or even your monitor which are the most common. IE - They say not to use a mouse that has more than 4 buttons. My mouse has 6. Right Click, Left Click, Pause/Play button, Increase Sensitivity, Decrease Sensitivity, and the Wheel. Also, my computer monitor is larger than the typical monitor. Mine is 24 inches. Which can be a problem

Hopefully the admins are understanding that hundreds of people are having this problem and sense the closed beta has only been up for about 3 days, the first patch they are working on is to fix this big problem, because some people like me, BSoDs don't have a big effect on my computer but to other peoples comps, BSoD's can be very critical on the computer.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:58 am
by Nard
Okay. The BSoD's are no longer a problem. They fixed it! The game is sweet.

Nard - Fraylik
Mainstrain - Lionheart

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:58 am
by KnaveSkye
what server tho?
Im on the valdes server

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:11 am
by TheMadDJ
Might have a ponder at it if I have the specs. If just to have the joy of tearing things to pieces for the sheer heck of it d=)

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:49 pm
by KnaveSkye
well, i havnt lvld too high, and have a alt whos even lower, feel free to buzz me on skype or something or look for knaveskye or midnightskye on the valdes server

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:07 pm
by Nard
Sorry DJ but you won't be able to play considering that this is closed beta and me, knave, and main got in on time. I'm on the valdes server as well knave along with mainstrain. Were both at level 11.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:00 pm
by KnaveSkye
well, skype me sometime when you are on, i cant add you as friends while offline