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Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:29 pm
by rb.EvilAcid
also propultion needs to be taken out ppl are using it to purposly kill players now especialy lower lvls and to many ppl have admit to it alrdy its and ok pu but to use it to kill the other players is just sad lol.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:52 pm
by KNC
Oh Yes how damn right you are! It's not an PU of too much use since it's not a problem to own without it. And damn how i hate these flying Titans. I mean i already have some trained reflexes and i'm thus able to avoid them sometimes when other people die. But there are some players which are able to use it in such a precise, fast und subtle way, launching them in your back, you die before knowing what hit you, and then you see some idiot running around pushing titans too all sides, and after knowing what hit you the only thing you can do is to facepalm about such incredible skill...

In some best cases I see the same people dying after a minute and theres a small note at the bottem: The Invasion Continues...
(And no, these cases are not that rare, I can't play often and regularily on the server but I already now like 3 or 4 cases i was last man standing for like 3 or 4 waves, keeping the match alive. Then someone achieved what I writed above, killed me and did like a second after that. Damn that pissed me off, teammates more dangerous than enemies)

doh If that isn't fail on all lines, what then? |-(

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:22 pm
by Amy Infless
rb.EvilAcid wrote:also propultion needs to be taken out ppl are using it to purposly kill players now especialy lower lvls and to many ppl have admit to it alrdy its and ok pu but to use it to kill the other players is just sad
its not propulsion on a wep that kills players, it is its effect, pushing away monsters. but the only "dangerous" monster that can kill you by beeing pushed or pulled to you is titan. sh!t happens when its a wandluzi beeing pushed at you and wanding you in that case...

but its not only propulsion. there is pullforward and knockback too (knockback nearly same like prop, but prop increases damage and projectile-speed a bit)

i prefer pullforward pu, to pull monsters at me. its allways dangerous against stronger monsters, and it sux when hitting a titan and not seeing it, for ex., when using flak and the ricochets hit it left or right from you. btw same works with propulsion. it should push monsters away from you. if your shot, w/e it is, is reflecting somewhere, and hitting the monster from behind, its pushed at you and not away from you!

using the pullforward pu with enough (adren or super-) speed in a bigger map with wide open area and you are firing in titans wave at them while running around in circles to avoid beeing "pullforwarded", be sure its dangerous for all, titans fly around in every corner of the map.

the question is: is it an "accident" on purpose, is it an unintentional or unavoidable teamkill? :-) remember: teamkilling isnt allowed :-) (with sents or trans. there is no "its not allowed to teamkill someone with a titan" ;-) )

and by the way: there are some weapons pushing away some monsters even WITHOUT using pu´s like that. beamweps like shockrifles, turbolasers (and its shock-combos) ssrs, wands, mini-ssrs and the shockcannon (shieldgun-pu) also can push away some monsters, but with a lower effect. not sure if titans can be pushed away...

KNC wrote:...about such incredible skill...
wow. ty, you are the first one who is attesting me havin skills :-)


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:27 pm
by popnstyle
rb.EvilAcid wrote:also propultion needs to be taken out ppl are using it to purposly kill players now especialy lower lvls and to many ppl have admit to it alrdy its and ok pu but to use it to kill the other players is just sad lol.
KNC wrote:Oh Yes how damn right you are! It's not an PU of too much use since it's not a problem to own without it. And damn how i hate these flying Titans. I mean i already have some trained reflexes and i'm thus able to avoid them sometimes when other people die. But there are some players which are able to use it in such a precise, fast und subtle way, launching them in your back, you die before knowing what hit you, and then you see some idiot running around pushing titans too all sides, and after knowing what hit you the only thing you can do is to facepalm about such incredible skill...

In some best cases I see the same people dying after a minute and theres a small note at the bottem: The Invasion Continues...
(And no, these cases are not that rare, I can't play often and regularily on the server but I already now like 3 or 4 cases i was last man standing for like 3 or 4 waves, keeping the match alive. Then someone achieved what I writed above, killed me and did like a second after that. Damn that pissed me off, teammates more dangerous than enemies)

doh If that isn't fail on all lines, what then? |-(
propulsion- this is my favorite status pu of this category on certain enemy types, as it is with others i taught the magic of propulsion to :P first off, killing an enemy with propulsion can cause pus to fly away from you, which can be displeasing if its something good someone else got. but..this status pu weaken enemy defenses a lot for some reason and make for your own attack to be significantly stronger. try a propulsion on a razor bomb primary fire aimed at a valgary..those spider uglies are torn apart real fast. put a propulsion on wand, laser rifle, enhanced ssr, ak47, wop super shock rifle that have at least +5-7 damage in pus(and you having maximum damage bonus), and you can kill queens, most titans, valgaries in 1 hit, sometimes 2. of course, someone else level 230 or below has to be alive with you if you are higher than level 250. yes, i love this pu for this reason ^,,^ and honestly, more than one isn't needed to put on, even if 3 are allowed on the gun.

pullforwards- this pulls an enemy towards you, which can be dangerous for some of the stronger enemies. but like propulsion, this effect weakens enemy defenses and allows your attack to be stronger. i like this pu in earlier waves, because it tends to make pus fly towards you when an enemy is killed. usually, they fly over, but at least they can be closer to me :} can be used with superforce and often times very effective together

knockback- like pullforwards, this isn't initiated with every hit unless times between hits is will weaken enemy defenses like propulsion and pullforwards, but it is very little in comparison. what does make this pu nice is that you can have this on a gun using superforce, and i have a knockback on when using that if i can. like propulsion and pullforwards, killing an enemy with knockback can make pus fly further when released.
regardless, higher score simply is killing higher point enemies, and more of them. know it or not, certain weapons need rightly used too. don;t ever shoot straight forwards at a lucifer with shotgun or fireball, you won't hit them much if you are in their face, the gun will fire out the back of them. i aim at the ground for most guns when facing these guys. hickey, i also am not sure how muh you use pullforwards, though i know you love propulsion. anwyays, i notice the pullfwards users do much better overall..give it a try more whether you like it or not o,,o
best vorpal gun is combat shotgun, and i use primary fire because vorpal and pullforwards/propulsion kick in so nicely in wave 1-16.
propulsion i will use every time i can, so as long as i am not using superforce, which won't allow propulsion or other pus except knockback. but propulsion can enhance damage somehow, which noone knows exactly why. it is a pu that seems to be a hybrid of force and knockback, but when used on certain enemies, it seems to reduce their damage reduction a fair bit. using a beamy weapon like wand/laser rifle/essr/super shock rifle/mini ssr with propulsion and around +7 damage (and your own max db) will kill titans, queens, valgaries, and other enemies almost always with a single strike, while it takes 2-3 hits without propulsion. this probably will have changed since some of these enemies now have a +3 added reflection status on them, but i still say it will ream them good. somehow, pullforwards will have the very same effect as propulsion in making enemy killing on these types faster, but for some reason, pullforwards takes effect every few shots, unlike propulsion taking effect every shot.
These quotes all come from stuff that has been submited to the strat forum which the majority of it is from dreagon.

Like ATS has stated, it is not the only pu that causes stuff to fly. It is just the most commonly blamed pu for people to blame if something flys across the room. But it has its significant effects and valid play in the game.

Pull Forward and Knock Back to have the same results that propulsion will have you need to take up more slots in your gun, so even if you have a +10 rejuv weapon, thats 3-5 slots gone instead of 1. Thats not saying you got a +3 null or something weapon that you golded so you can start utilizing your pu's because no one has anything worth jugging in game at the momment.

You then look at the dmg added by using the 1 pu, that is huge and everyone here wants to get higher levels, do more dmg and push there scores, that is just how video games are.

Yes it is frustraiting dieing due to something someone else is doing, done, etc. but it's a game and so to say people are doing it to spite you, I think your a bit out there. They are doing so for the fact they know what can be done with the pu for there personal benifit, and enjoyment of furthering them self in levels and such things. They are not playing to further you, or others in the game, though yes its enjoyable to play with others, but likely they did not know you and once they stop playing they will likely not keep incontact with anyone, though if they do, a select few from the server.

If these so called people were doing it intentionally, then they would not be giving pu's out, jugging wops and golding, passing out special weapons and such things ether.

But in that, to sit and get mad for the chance pre wave titan wave, its not like the map is filled with them and I know personally I pay attention to where they are at and if I don't have the shields I run from that area. Then if you don't have shields for the titan wave, you are able to ask others if there is any titan shields you could grab pre titan wave when you know that its coming up soon. Then you find that your on the titan wave with out one, you should start finding a spot that you can hide to avoid there rocks and unless your sitting with a powerfull enough gun to kill them before getting hit from rocks in all directions, that is your own fault.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:50 pm
by Amy Infless

sorry, general "rant" deleted because of goin toooooo far off topic

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:27 am
by [fR4g]
dont kill prop pu, you'll make game boring!!!11 i luv launching titans in da sky xD

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:14 pm
by Scion
I wish we had a PU that could counter being crushed by titans, it would stop some of those random killings when they jump or get pushed around.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:56 am
by rb.EvilAcid
that would be a nice pu or ability for us i do hate being squished like a bug when someone propels a titan above my head and im prety sure it would be easy to code in to. or at least lower the perpoltion to alot smaller portion so it does propell them all the way across the map just enough to push them back like knockback its real low on the push back.