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general impression 180

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:24 pm
by Tzakol
too freaken busy.... visually I get sick from this mod atm, acoustically... it's getting annoying fast.... that cat crap is causing physical manifestations, i.e. petite mal seizure, not impressed since the game itself never cause crap like this.. in your zeel to put everything in, you neglected to temper that with a bit of common sense... audio is the same thing, too much everywhere and not localized to the event proximity, i.e. hearing something that is on the other side of the map that sounds like it's right next to you.. sound cues are part of the fun, but when there is nothing there.. it's not fun, its annoying

Re: general impression 180

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:37 pm
by BaronVonRotterdam
Thank you for the feedback on the sounds. We'll address this once joey is available this summer.

Re: general impression 180

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:07 pm
by Amy Infless
sounds, esp. the weaponsounds not beeing at the right "position",
have allways been a problem far back in 179 and not fixed yet,
as far i remember it was more low priority on the to-do-list
in old deleted bug forum, dunno if that still is on someones list.

i cant tell what the problem is, but with some weps like mp5
and the ak47 it looks like they tend to "do that" often in
bigger maps. also in maps with many rooms, floors or hidden
areas "outside" the map (like the teleporter rooms in 007-bunker)
you can still hear the mp5 or ak firing without anyone beeing near
you. that works as player or in spectator mode.

sometimes it looks like weaponsounds are (clientsided?) binded
at the place with the weaponpickup, for example in the map
007-complex the hidden ssr-area, you often hear there the ssr
firing without anyone using it.
its like someone picked the weapon there, fired it 2-3 times
and then the sound is echoing/looping inside there without stopping,
except you leave the room or spec another player. if you go back in that
room you hear the weaponsound again. works on both, 179 and 180,
but its not a thing that is easy to "reproduce", since its like it
happens in complex for example 1-2 times in 10 maps, and also
doesnt work for every player! (means not everyone is hearing it)

i personally like it for two reasons, first, its finally at least really one
new weapon without producing errors! and second, yeah you can blame
me for that, because i said "we need more <colours>" (i meant
weaponfire, because like 80% of all weaponfire is a mix between
white, yellow and orange, rarely green for lasers bio or link, no real
red (except ssr or essr, but then only when players use it) no real
blue or w/e cool other neon colours, etc...)

but tzak is right, if its to many of them or to
fast firing it, i think its better you reduce it to ONE monster
using it as rare 1-3 times per map injected monster that only can fire it
like ONE very strong "beam"/"bullet" (or w/e you want call it) that really
hurts bad when you get hit by it and monster can only fire it again
every 30sec for example or after it hits a player. just dont make monster
then beeing killed just by looking at it...
that would reduce the sounds of the nyan rifle (the only thing i dont like
when its fired 100 times in a minutes...) and the "eye-cancer" problem
to a minimum.
if it stays like it is at the moment i tend to say its better you
announce nyanmonsters with a epileptic warning, and i dont mean
that as a joke!
