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Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:22 am
by Hicky
As for the making game more difficult would make me angrier. You didnt understand what I had typed .What I was saying was to keep the difficulty basically the same .By getting rid of or drastically reducing the cheap killing monsters like wands in the back and the spaming nukes you never hear a warning about or saw & havent a clue where it is that kills you or the vortex that will get you and you dont resurrect or ghost yet it will get you another time and you will. I get angry at the cheapness of those types of deaths. & when I said to get rid of them yet still keep same sort of difficulty level by adding in more of all the other types of monsters and also increasing there hit point damage to kill them leave there weapons as is by doing this you have a balance = to the monsters that cheap kill ya with there weapons because now you have alot more monsters that now require a little more damage to kill Whose now combined increased fire power due to there numbers and extra damage required to kill them is in a sense is = to that of the wands and vortexes and such .Now because theres alot more monsters added it makes for more targets more intense game play where you now have to think react counter etc faster due to the increased monsters attacking from everywhere all over. Now you can fight and if you do die least you can say it was one hella of a fight instead of WTF whered that nuke or wand or how what killed me?.... Plus we'd have less issues of weapons lost and bugs and crashes caused from nukes vortexes and soldiers or are contributing factors in the bugs crashes etc . I love a good fight where weapons skills vehicles etc are balanced for the monsters and us but wands in the back nukes from nowheres vortexes that are unbalanced in there ways they get cheap kills we cant spam nukes like them or a fast were lucky if we ever get a nuke pu. And vortexes be no problem if when one got you you ghost or resurrected somewhere. Not one time you do another you dont same with nukes and the wands also with wands how they spawn behind you kill you you ress or ghost right infront of another wand or one will spawn there or a wand spawns kills you then dissappears thats cheap and what gets me going. I 'd rather die & say hell yea that was a good fight than WTF noway where the hell ... cheap !@#$%^ wands .dam cheating game

Make it shorter

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:39 pm
by border_2
helious thats all you need to know and yes you can be top scorer too!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:12 pm
by crayola
To some players or some experienced players Helios is garbage and I seen and hear what it does if anything it only makes it worst, for one some people don’t just hit monsters one at a time some try to hit the side of them and be in position for the next monster or something similar to that concept, or hit other areas beside the monsters itself or not even the monsters at all or where the mobs goes or if you want to move a certain way for e.g. jump, strafe, dodge, move circularly, dodge jump, dodge side jump, side/dodge double, double/wall dodge jump, turn etc.. your being guided and by a computer/system and not your own brain which is 1.million times smarter in terms of skill wise because were not bots and bots cant play invasion with mind/brain and that gets in the way or if I’m playing mostly using radar/awareness it aims by itself not by my own brain even if its guided and that don’t mix and also won't help you choose which monsters to kill or which health bars to go for, for all monsters are different in size, points, experience points, adrenaline, health vamping like spiders, deemers, nukes, wand surviving and whole lot's more etc.. or e.g. why if your being chased by smiths/soldiers or other types you can't aim one by one you need to aim them all at once which needs strafing/dodging combos or if you see the mobs health bar lowered and the aimbot could interfere with you aim/aiming/choice of aim, so this game has many types of aspects within all 20 waves that I don’t have time going to in details and it also like I said aims by itself not by my own brain even if its guided, and so on and so on and so on and so on, when I play most times I don’t hit monsters directly which also means I don’t need a guided aim as long as it has any type of aim and guide its šhit, in inv its also like a system/handicap for babies that cant play or something like that.
To play decent in invasion you can't be guided in any sort of way you might in the middle of score board but won't be near the top five or ten.

Just my .02¢

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:02 pm
by crayola
edited previous post

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:48 pm
by draegohn
there's border with that helois stuff again, whatever it is supposed to do :P

and hickey, a few more periods and commas would help understand with lesss rereading. anyhow, when i said where i "think" monsters will be means that based on radar and the yellow dots, if i move into an area where it should be and i am shooting already with rapid fire, i hope that i can hit where i think it is at. of course, nothing but super soldier stands still. so radar doesn't give the best determinations of things at times, just general help. i do love seeing a mass of yellow on radar, and no blue near it, so i knw when i get ehere, the mob will be mostly mine!

noone knows where enemies will appear anyways, except on older maps on other servers that have had no spawn point redditing. for instance, i believe old training day has like 2 spawn points only. on another server i played at, people with inf weapons just stood there and spammed those two spots.

regardless, higher score simply is killing higher point enemies, and more of them. know it or not, certain weapons need rightly used too. don;t ever shoot straight forwards at a lucifer with shotgun or fireball, you won't hit them much if you are in their face, the gun will fire out the back of them. i aim at the ground for most guns when facing these guys. hickey, i also am not sure how muh you use pullforwards, though i know you love propulsion. anwyays, i notice the pullfwards users do much better overall..give it a try more whether you like it or not o,,o

Good Advice

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:34 pm
by border_2
I found that just about everything you wrote is useful and i now know why i have trouble with the lucis thx drea.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:58 pm
by draegohn
you are welcome! and i just reread what i typed, so many typos x,,x i am too lazy to change it to the right spellings ^,,^
anyhow, remember this with the combat shotgun...the cloudburst alt fire initiates like 4-6 meters (in ut standard) from your body and has no effect in the space between, so getting too close to enemies won't help with this one gun's alt fire mode. but notice if you tilt the gun down or shoot into the wall, it will cloudburst at a shorter distance. so often with the lucifers i ground shoot my feet (also self healing wile hurting enemies) or around a ton of army guys shoot just a little asway from my feet and create a larger cloud like a selfhealing-offensive shotgun aura near myself as i move around in circles about the enemy.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:57 pm
by crayola
edited abit of my prev post

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:59 pm
by TheMadDJ
draegohn wrote: anyhow, remember this with the combat shotgun...the cloudburst alt fire initiates like 4-6 meters (in ut standard) from your body and has no effect in the space between...
I never knew that. O_O

Pretty decent guide. Might try the cursor tip, but I never found moving the gun position affected me much. I think it might help with the larger weapons as the muzzle flash might draw the eye away from the screen slightly.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:15 pm
by draegohn
yes, deejay, that is how it works o..o a better way to imagine how alt fire is is like seeing the piercerator in comes out as a ball a bit, then after a little distance, does its needly spread. i haven't tried that gun since the first day it was released, but it is on my list of things to try, that and the otherewr bio wep with the green spread. i am sure both will be poor, but i haven't yet used them a whole map. and after seeing reyalp do rather well on skyscrapin xxl with just the zen ben, now i want to try using it once again a full map ^,,^

as for what crayoli said in his post is proeceisely what i have been trying to tell all the aimbot accusers forever now! one simply will never do that well without the right strategy of how to fight in the waves here. its more than aim-and-hit, there is so much more when dealing with different weapons with different speeds and effects and how enemies fight, move, and can gather.