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Vortex Mod

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:51 pm
by BaronVonRotterdam
Hi Guys,

I am a major fan of ChaosUT's Vortex gun (the gun lucy has in the server) but I hate having to download all of ChoasUT just to use the darn thing. So what I did was break the vortex apart from ChaosUT and make it work all by itself. The attached file "Vortex.u" is all you need and that goes in the system folder. If you want to have it replace the redeemer go into your mutator list and select the vortex mutator. But a note **Don't enable "Vortex Watcher" it doesnt do anything...". Or if you just want to spawn the vortex open your console and type "summon vortex.vortexpickup" or if you just want to summon the projectile type "summon vortex.vortexproj". Also since I am billions of years away from being as good as coding as joey I kinda broke some things in the vortex to get this working... like the charge bar. The vortex's altfire still charges up the vortex to toss it but it doesnt show on the bar. Also I disabled the check to make it so you can only have 1 vortex...hows 999 max sound?. Oh and probably the most important thing... I made the thing more effecient. Just the vortex itself was like 10 megs. I got that sucker down to 1.98 for EVERYTHING. Enjoy :)